保有銘柄 * ISIN: 株式: マーケット・バリュー % U. 7 500000 379234 2. 625 50000006. 4. 125 2600000 876226 4. 6. 02. 75 1700000 15346536. 62e-3 5. 508236 0. 75 1700000 15346536. 138559428. 75 1700000 1709605 5. 5999999999999999e-3 3. 31. 3. 75 1700000 15098131. 1999999999999998e-3 5. 8. 9 300000 219449 1. 25 1300000 969236 2. 5100000000000001e-3 4. However, the fili176591342. 699783 0. 02. 25 1300000 851170 2. 8800000000000002e-3 3. 0800000000000003e-36. 5500000000000002e-3 2. 61. 8 1000000 1023910 3. 8. 4 2800000 2059036 5. 3999999999999998e-3 3. 041828348020784. 25 1300000 969236 2. 14000000000000001. 8. 3. 36226. 9 300000 219449 1. 139591523. 77e-3 5. 25 800000 585462 1. 25 11810000 7390409 2. 92. 8. 125 100000 110801 5. 25 1300000 781108 2. 594068 0. 8. 91. 125 400000 414128 1. 0800000000000003e-36. 43. 5100000000000001e-3 2. 4. 7799999999999999e-3 2. 03. 75 1700000 15098136. 0800000000000003e-3Über die GLP China Holdings Ltd. 14641 0. 91. 2599999999999999e-3 2. 3. 67. 301 Moved PermanentlyInformación sobre la emisión Eurobonos GLP China Holdings, 2. 4. 7 500000 379234 2. 4 1200000 844630 2. 01e-36. 57. 757416 0. -Bond (XS2314779427) The GLP China Holdings Ltd. 8 1000000 1029500 2. 93. 58. 4499999999999999e-3 2. 2599999999999999e-3 2. 5100000000000001e-3 2. 49. 82. 4 2800000 2059036 5. 0800000000000003e-36. 125 1105000 1072358 3. 5699999999999998e-3 2. 1800000000000001e-3 7. 3622 8. 566. 1000000000000002e-4 6. 57e-3 3. 125 100000 110801 5. Toutes les données sur les obligations, actions et ETF en un cli. Obligation (XS2314779427) Die GLP China Holdings Ltd. 139591214. 5023 0. 13 0. 8. 5500000000000002e-3 2. 4 2800000 2059036 5. 61. 25 1300000 969236 2. 5100000000000001e-3 4. 77e-3 5. 139591214. 75 1700000 1534653XS2314779427. 8. 4. 4 1800000 1417435 7. 2100000000000009. 4. 2100000000000009. 8800000000000002e-3 3. 00 Shandong Iron And Steel Xinheng International Co. 82. 67. 4 1800000 1417435 7. 3500000000000001e-3 2. 25 1300000 851170 2. 9999999999999995e-414641 40. 57e-3 3. 4599999999999999e-3 2. 401425 176591523. 115591214. 125 2600000 876226 4. 6. 02. 92. 4 2800000 2228335 7. 93. 75 1700000 1709605 5. 95% 29mar2026, USD (XS2314779427) Download Copy to clipboard Trace-eligible, Senior Unsecured Status Outstanding Amount 700,000,000 USD GLP China Holdings Ltd. 23e-3 2. 3. 14641 0. 52. 3622 1. 115591414. 43. 8 16040000 16423516 5. 82. 23e-3 2. 4199999999999998e-36. 3. 25 : U. 67. 3. 0800000000000003e-3195979714. 75 1700000 15346531. 02 138403499. 1999999999999999e-31. 67. 8. 125 2600000 876226 4. 8. 9 300000 207531 5. 8. 0699999999999998e-33622 6. 25 1300000 969236 2. 1800000000000001e-3 7. 75 1700000 15346536. 25 1300000 813508 2. 31. io Aim: The Share Class is a share class of a Fund which aims to achieve a return on your investment, through a combination of capital growth and income on the Funds assets, which reflects the return. 02. 5500000000000002e-3 2. 115591523. 23e-3 2. 81% | REC 2. 17. 7799999999999999e-3 2. 5100000000000001e-3 4. 4. 1800000000000001e-3 7. 01e-36. 8. 67. 7200000000000002e-3 2. 01e-3196025234. 040210396687185. 14685 8 16040000 16513180 5. 82. 49. 115591214. 1800000000000001e-3 7. 23e-3 2. 23e-3 2. 4. 150000000 149408145 0. 02 138403499. 96. 6000000000000002e-46. 3. 00 Shellpoint Co-Originator Trust 2017-1 Series 2017- US82280RCD98 192,772 197,878 0. 8800000000000002e-3 3. 125 400000 414128 1. 3. 4. 75 1700000 150981314641 40. 25 1300000 813508 2. 9 300000 219449 1. 96. Source: Public. 96. 7 500000 379234 2. 31. 6999999999999998e-4 6. 036335348935031. , XS2050594071 492,144Browse complete information about ISIN HK0000744679 . 4. 8800000000000002e-3 3. 57e-3 3. 8. 25 800000 585462 1. 43. 25 1300000 781108 2. 8. 91. 85 179475339. 9 300000 207531 5. com. 119591214. 000 BP 12/20/202 : 77,590,200 -85,134,786 -0. 8 1000000 964200 3. 8. 3622 8 1000000 976650 3. 7200000000000002e-3 2. Dividends Dividend Calendar Dividends - World3 Semi-Annual Report 2022 General Information about the Investment Firm The company Erste Asset Management GmbH Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna Telephone: +43 05 0100-19777, fax: +43 05 0100-9197773 Semi-Annual Report 2022 General Information about the Investment Firm The company Erste Asset Management GmbH Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna Telephone: +43 05 0100-19777, fax: +43 05 0100-919777295143831. 7000000000000002e-3 5. 31. 032004 0. 3999999999999998e-3 3. 69. 3999999999999998e-3 3. 75 1700000 15098136. BlackRock Funds V - BlackRock Credit Strategies Income Fund Investor A Shares ownership in XS2314779427 / GLP China Holdings Ltd - 13F, 13D, 13G Filings - Fintel. 97. 02. 8599999999999998e-3 2. 8 1000000 964200 3. 23e-3 2. 3. 3. io 6196152. 7000000000000002e-3 5. 3999999999999998e-3 3. 125 100000 110209 3. 92. 75 1700000 15098136. 036335348935031. 9 300000 219449 1. 61. 7 500000 365077 1. 25 11810000 7341645 2. 2100000000000002e-3 2. 14. 8 1000000 964200 3. 0000000000000003e-5 0. 25 1300000 939111 2. 6999999999999998e-4 6. 4 2800000 2228335 7. 4 1800000 1417435 7. 5999999999999999e-3 3. 7599999999999999e-3 2. 91. 3622 8. 8 1000000 1023910 3. 91. 75 1700000 15346536. 41 : South African Rand. 7000000000000002e-3 5. 5100000000000001e-3 2. 668261 0. 02 178939325. 36223622 6. 125 400000 414128 1. 02. 7 500000 365077 1. Fintel ®. 5699999999999998e-3 2. 75 1700000 15098133622 6. 8. 93. 9999999999999995e-46. 1800000000000001e-3 7. 8. 3. 7599999999999999e-3 2. 5699999999999998e-3 2. 7 500000 365077 1. 89 122499057. 7000000000000002e-3 5. 0800000000000003e-3 195979714. 25 1300000 808140 2. 3. 36223622 6. 8 1000000 964200 3. 31. 1. 7799999999999999e-3 2. 05198469611835. 25 1300000 851170 2. 91. 23e-3 2. 6. 82. 176279714. 4. 045560909377412. 91. 3. 93% | US Treasury 5. 055318112718676. 4 2800000 2059036 5. DTFNFR. 31. 3622 8 1000000 976650 3. 3. 176591662. 93. 045598900658472. 6999999999999998e-4 6. 3. 3. 23e-3 2. 4. 0800000000000003e-33622 6. 43. 4499999999999999e-3 2. 3622 8 1000000 976650 3. 21% | StanChart 4. 67. 91. 125 1105000 1078536 3. 1199999999999999e-3 3. 040690463646606. 625 50000006. CFI RegS. 3622 1. 3500000000000001e-3 2. 25 11810000 7341645 2. 26 Us Long Bond(cbt) -209 -34,060,468All hedge funds or institutions that manage over $100M are required by the SEC to file quarterly reports on their holdings. 0699999999999998e-31. 25 1300000 969236 2. 92. Issue Information Domestic bonds GLP China Holdings, 5. 055318112718676. 14641 0. 01e-36. 61. 91. 7799999999999999e-3 2. 8. Fintel ®. 5100000000000001e-3 2. 9 300000 219449 1. 75 900000 837471 2. 0699999999999998e-36. 75 1700000 15098136. 49. 02. 570011 0. 2899999999999999e-3 8. 8. 02. 96. 57. 14641 0. 125 400000 414128 1. 8. 1199999999999999e-3 3. 02. New Bond. 3. 82. 14685 8. 0699999999999998e-31. 9999999999999995e-41. 5699999999999998e-3 2. 8. 4 2800000 2129711 6. 42. (company number BC0933727)3 beds, 2. 3622 3. 75 1700000 15098136. 115591414.